
Aristarchus and Herodotus Region, 25 October 2004
This page shows an interesting area around the craters Aristarchus and Herodotus.

This picture shows the craters Aristarchus (Lunar-100 number 11), Herodotus, and Schiaparelli. Also seen are the mountains to the North-West, Montes Agricola, and the varied valleys and rilles of Vallis Schroter (L-100 number 17) and Rimae Aristarchus, which fill the area to the North of Herodotus and Aristarchus. To the Right of those two craters in the picture is the mostly lava-filled crater Prinz, and Rimae Prinz (L-100 no. 86) to its North. Many small craterlets and other surface features are also visible in this interesting region of the moon. The whole area to the north of the two larger craters is known as the Aristarchus Plateau, which Charles Wood describes in his L-100 description as "Mysterious uplifted region mantled with pyroclastics".
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